Hustleburg Episode 46 – Most Valuable Q&A

As we start to close the book on 2020, it seemed like an opportunity to share some of the most valuable Q&A segments that resulted from your questions this year. 

Why Is So Important!

Every entrepreneur should be able to point to their mission to know how to best serve their customer and operate their business. Without this guiding star, it’s easy for your business ship to be rudderless. In this part of Episode 2, Brett shares his why, as well as why that question is so important. 

There is No Such Thing As Too Much Content

This derived from a question asking how much is too much when it comes to content in Episode 8. With a diversity of platforms and channels, you will never overwhelm your community with content, because they don’t (and won’t) see everything that you put online. Not even your mom will get tired of seeing the content you create, because she won’t even follow you everywhere, and even if she did, the algorithms won’t show her absolutely everything. Read more about how there’s no such thing as too much content here. Finally, Brett touches on how it’s possible to create so much using a strategy like this from Gary Vaynerchuk through repurposing and sharing similar content through a variety of channels and using different contexts that are relevant to each platform.

Kindness Is Free And Can Kill Your Competition

In Episode 40, Brett shared one of the greatest ways to differentiate your business from others in your industry, and it’s free. What if I told you that there is one thing that you can focus on in your business that will set you apart from everyone else in your industry, make you the talk of the town, and make your brand such that you get the best customers to join your community? No matter what business you’re in, if you focus on kindness in every interaction you will have an amazing advantage that can’t be surpassed or undercut. When you focus on kindness, you add so much value in every interaction that the rest of your brand identity and reputation dovetail around it. 

The best part? Kindness is free.

Don’t let that price tag fool you about the value of it.

Make Social Media Work FOR You

In the first week of a three-week strategy to lead you to ideal engagement for your business, Episode 30 begins with this game-changer to force the social media platforms work for you, instead of using you for their own purposes.

Here’s how to start: Stop posting content on this platform. On the first day of Week 1, go through your connections, friends, pages, accounts, groups, and hashtags to UNFOLLOW/UNFRIEND/DISCONNECT all the users of the platform that don’t add value for you. Explore the connections from those that do add value to you.

Indicate an interest in the creators that show up in the “new” content you see by simply tapping or clicking “like” on the posts that give you even the slightest bit of value.

Simply “like” them. 

Get Engagement Training in Your Inbox Now

If you’re not satisfied with the social media results you’re getting, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers this training via email.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

Hustleburg Listener Community on LinkedIn
Beyond Your Side Hustle on LinkedIn
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 38 – Answering Your Content Creation Questions

This episode is a Q&A episode with questions from you about creating content for your business. In the first podcast Q&A episode, I seem to have struck a chord with many of you, as many of you have been asking questions about content creation generally and pillar content specifically. This episode is for you!

There is No Such Thing As Too Much Content

I’ve often been quoted as saying there is no such thing as too much content. We aren’t going to be creating content for the sake of creating content. Everything that you create needs to add value for your community and it needs to be a part of The Five, your five focus areas for content. This isn’t as tough as it may seem.

Here’s the good news: Each tweet you send, each link you share on Facebook, each photo you post to Instagram, and each video you share on TikTok is a piece of content. If you have a podcast, you can re-purpose it by slicing and dicing audio clips, create memes of important quotes within the episode, use your show notes to create blog posts, and record not just audio, but video to create for YouTube. You can also ask your community to create their own content around their vision and use for what you do. Look around. There are a ton of aspects to your business and your life that you’ve never shared with the community you’ve created.

  1. Re-use your content with context – Use content on multiple platforms, creating multiple posts using the same words, images, videos, etc. The key thing to think about here is context, not simply cross-posting
  2. Re-purpose pillar content – Have a long-form evergreen piece of content that you can break down and re-purpose into multiple pieces of content. White papers, podcasts, videos, and webinars can be very helpful here. 
  3. Ask for user-generated content – Engage your community and have them create content for you. Your many fans and followers are definitely willing to share their ideas, create content that you ask for, or even create content for your business without anything more than an ask.
  4. Document your life – Use your daily routine and the activities of your to create content around your business. Treat your life like you’re on a reality show and share the results.

Re-Use Content Across Platforms with Context

The REASON behind your post and the value you bring to the community on THAT platform make up your context. Also, your content can’t be about your calls to action. It should be about adding value to your community. With all this in mind, you can’t increase your content creation by simply cross-posting your Instagram photos to Facebook, which they’ve made super easy to do with only a slide of the switch. Your community on each platform expects something different from you, because they interact with you on THAT platform, not to be a part of a marketing effort. The key is to treat each post as an individual piece of content and craft it as such. You’re reaching out to two or three different audiences on each of the platforms you share it, so you need to consider each of them differently.

There is a TON of content out there, waiting to be consumed. So, you have to be great to reach people where they are and engage them. So, DEFINITELY post that photo across every platform you use, but only do so if you can offer something different to each audience that consumes it.

Re-Purpose Pillar Content

It’s easier to re-purpose content and make derivative pieces when you have a pillar content piece to draw from. A podcast episode, white paper, keynote address, meeting notes, and instructional videos can all turn into several other pieces of content aside from their initial purpose when published. It could be all of these can be broken up into 3-4 blog posts on your website. You can then slice them up further using some of the ideas we outlined earlier in the episode to create even more content for social. This content on social media will drive your existing community toward your other work, and you’ll be able to deepen your already-existing connection with those that carry over. 

Engage Your Community for User-Generated Content

Take some of the pressure off by getting your community to create content for you. Whether video, photo, or written work, featuring user-generated content will not only ease your mind about creating enough content, featuring how your community uses your product or service will highlight them. Reach out to your customers to create content for you, based on how they interact with what you do. Your team is second, only to you, in being an expert in what you do, and they may have helpful tips, hacks, or suggestions to make what you do even better for your clients. Focus some of your user-generated content on the people you do business with. This is an easy way to engage your community, both internally and externally, to make content for you. Sounds like a win-win.

Document Your Life

It may not seem like it right now, but by the end of this episode, inspiration will spark you to realize how interesting you are and how interesting what you do is to other people. We love to look at what others do, think, and surround themselves with when it’s not like us or obvious to us. Right now, you could probably create 100 pieces of content based on your view, your desk set up, the tools you use and how you use them, and your calendar. 

Like the environment you find boring, your process may seem to be as well, but there will be an audience ready to get a glimpse of how something works or how you get from raw materials to finished product.

We come to care about those we know. Even if we’ve never met, we want to know about the people we interact with. 

Documenting is easier than creating, and it’s just as interesting.

Get Engagement Training in Your Inbox Now

If you’re not satisfied with the social media results you’re getting, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers this training via email.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

Hustleburg Listener Community on LinkedIn
Beyond Your Side Hustle on LinkedIn
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here