Hustleburg Episode 26 – Answering your Twitter Questions 2nd of 2

In this Q&A episode of the Hustleburg podcast, Brett answers listener questions about Twitter in the second of two parts. This is the eighth episode of a platform-specific series on the Q&A episodes about the varying social media platforms. Episode 12 and Episode 14 made up a two-part series on Facebook, Episode 16 and Episode 18 served as the two-part series on Instagram, Episode 20 and Episode 22 answered your questions about LinkedIn, and Episode 24 was the first episode focused on Twitter. 

Is Twitter Considered a More “Casual” Platform?

Because of the demo and psychographics of Twitter and the formerly exceptionally short 140 character limit, the language and tone on Twitter tend to be more casual than other platforms. The character limitation led to many innovations in the brevity game, like URL shorteners, graphic memes, and the best of them all, “Hemingwayism,” which made us better writers by forcing the exile of unnecessary words. These efforts to condense thoughts through abbreviation, image sharing, and omitting the unnecessary come across as more casual conversation on the surface. That’s a feature, not a bug.

How Do I Best Use Twitter Within the Character Limit?

The casualness of the platform, some of the lingo, and how the character limit, which changed to 280 characters in 2017, have shaped the conversations on Twitter. Adding value to the communities you create and participate in is the best way to use Twitter. For new listeners, visit The Five for an in-depth look at the five focus areas of content. You should also be looking to add value in those five areas in the content OTHERS create. 

What is the Best Way To Grow Organically on Twitter?

Find and follow relevant players in your industry and the five areas of focus and build relationships. The accounts you follow should be those who will add value to YOUR experience on the platform. Hashtags have value for their ability to direct conversations about a particular topic. Your use of them should be to add your voice to the conversation. 

How Do I Best Utilize Hashtags on Twitter?

Yes. You should absolutely use hashtags, though the reason and methods for using them probably aren’t what you think. The best and highest use of hashtags is to locate where you are able to add value for other users. You’re collaborating with others in your five focus areas to strengthen their communities as a member as well. 

What Are Your Thoughts on an “Auto DM”?

Don’t do it.

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If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

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If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here