Hustleburg Preview

If you’re like me, you want to know about your community… you want to know about the people, what they do, and how they add value to your neighborhood. Sure, you can read the paper, connect on social media, or ask for recommendations, but that doesn’t always really acquaint you. Specifically, I’m curious about small businesses here in Saint Petersburg, and if you are too, I’ve got the podcast for you. It’s called Hustleburg.

What is Hustleburg?

Hustleburg is an interview-style show, inquiring with some of St. Pete’s small business owners, probing them about how they got to where they are, how they built their business, and how they’re serving our community. 

If you are interested in the triumphs, the struggles, and the effort that goes into running a business? These local small businessmen and women will take you inside their business, looking at what they do each and every day. 

If you got to know your local barber, shop owner, restauranteur, interior designer, or attorney, would you be more apt to “shop local,” supporting their business? Listen in to hear from those businesses and more on Hustleburg, a podcast about doing business in the ‘Burg.

Get on Hustleburg

Do you have a question about your small business? Or perhaps about how you can market your side hustle to get you out of your 9-5 and doing what you really love? Send us your question by visiting, and listen for us to answer it in an upcoming episode.

Coming in January 2020, Hustleburg will be available on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify, our favorite, Castbox, or whatever you use to listen to your favorite podcasts. 

Music in this preview by my friend, Rhymer Educator. You can listen to his latest album, as well as his most recent single, No Fear on SpotifyTidaliTunes, or wherever you listen to great music.

Thanks so much for listening, and we look forward to telling you how we do business in the ‘Burg.

Do What You Say You’ll Do

Carl Jung is quoted as saying, “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

What you do, or don’t do, is the foundation of your reputation to others. We’ve all heard that someone’s reputation precedes them, and a reputation can often tell others more about you than any words you may communicate. Shouldn’t you be a shining example for who and what we are?


When we can’t live up to doing what we say we will do, we lose our credibility. It’s like putting a question mark at the end of every promise we make and every position we take. Would you really want to take a chance on losing that trust? We have many other things to overcome without having to rebuild credibility.

So, how can we make sure we live up to our reputation?


First, don’t take on too much. Often, we see a void and we step up to fill it. As a former leader in the service industry, I realize that we often over promise and under deliver, but if we flip that, we can make sure we meet our commitments by setting reasonable expectations and wowing with our results. Switch to an “underpromise, overdeliver” approach and see the results of keeping things under control.

Next, honestly evaluate the level of effort or time necessary to do a good job meeting the commitments you make. Something may seem to be quick or easy on the surface, but it can really bite you when it’s more complex than you first thought. Being honest about what it will take, along with not taking on too much will help you to do what you say you’ll do.

Explain, Don’t Excuse

Finally, when you can’t make things happen on the timeline you’ve set, make sure you offer explanations, not excuses. Excuses are flimsy, and the real reason is often the better route, especially if it’s humbling.

Are you ready to do what you way you’ll do?