Top Books for the Budding Entrepreneur

We’re frequently asked, “What are some of the top books for the budding entrepreneur?” As such, here are our recommendations for someone ready to go beyond their hustle:

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

We highly recommend beginning with Simon Sinek’s Start With Why, and we say that you should read that before anything else in the business management or leadership space. Being able to answer the “Why?” question makes so many of your decisions and helps you to define the actions that you will take. This book really lays out the case for how important that question really is.

As you’ve heard in every Hustleburg interview, I ask why someone does what they do. It’s an imperative question that will define your purpose, mission, and ultimately your business.

Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

The next thing that we recommend you read would be Donald Miller’s Building a Story Brand. It’s very much a must-read early on in your entrepreneurial journey, because it details how you tell the story of who you are what you do and how you’ll help your customer. When coupled with Start With Why, you see how to align your words with your mission and vision when you talk about your business and why you do it. Also, as you hang around us more this will make a lot more sense, but it also details why you should be the Genie, rather than Aladdin.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book is one that everyone should read, but ESPECIALLY budding entrepreneurs, because a lot of people actually do need to heed the advice within. Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People should definitely be read early on in the entrepreneurial journey. The book provides a literal guide for interacting with others and you would be surprised how many people fail at that despite having been in business for years. Even those seen as successful really do not do a good job of interacting with others.

The Power of Moments by Chip & Dan Heath

While these are in no particular order of importance, Chip and Dan Heath’s The Power of Moments should probably be read earlier than others. This is especially the case for entrepreneurs in the service industry or with heavy and direct customer contact.

This book offers insight into some of the most powerful inspiration for creating an amazing experience for those you serve. We frequently say that marketing may get people in the door, but delighting them will keep them coming back. What you do and how you do it is essentially re-marketing your brand to your existing customers. Delighting them when they interact with you is essentially an extension of your marketing program, and it keeps them coming back and evangelizing about what you do and how you delighted them.

Good to Great by Jim Collins

This classic business study book definitely has to be on every entrepreneur’s reading list. In Good to Great, Jim Collins and his team share the stories and data about some of the best companies in history and how they became great. It even compares how they became great over peers of the time, how they became great over their competitors, and it ties together a lot of the takeaways from the other books on this list.

Listen to this list (and to hear the top podcasts for a budding entrepreneur) as part of the Hustleburg podcast by clicking here.

If you clicked any of the Amazon links for the books listed above, you likely saw they were AmazonSmile links for charity. We love Survivor’s Rupert Boneham and all he does for his community with Rupert’s Kids.