Hustleburg Episode 24 – Answering Your Twitter Questions 1st of 2

In this Q&A episode of the Hustleburg podcast, Brett answers listener questions about Twitter in the first of two parts. This is the seventh episode of a platform-specific series on the Q&A episodes about the varying social media platforms. Episode 12 and Episode 14 made up a two-part series on Facebook, Episode 16 and Episode 18 served as the two-part series on Instagram, Episode 20 and Episode 22 answered your questions about LinkedIn. 

What Can Twitter do for My Business?

You have an opportunity to reach people where they are. As of the first quarter of this year, they shared a user base of 166 million daily active users. Twitter has different demo and psychographics for its users, generally skewing younger than both Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as the average American. Twitter is also unique in that it offers a direct connection to a person or a brand, creates a huge opportunity for your business to create deep connections on the platform. Twitter is also uniquely more viral than other platforms for non-private accounts due to the ability of users to have their thoughts echoed via other users, promoting that content beyond the initial user’s audience on the platform.

What Are Some Tips for Staying Above the Fray on Twitter?

Twitter is a pretty politically active medium, so there can be an assumption that users of the platform will be somewhat active or vocal on political and social issues. It is actually pretty easy for brands to stay above the fray. Have a listen for these tips.

How Do I Get Something “Trending”?

Often, “trending topics” are filled with hot takes about breaking news. Only talking about what you see trending isn’t a recipe for sustained success on Twitter, but when the content you create does intersect with what’s trending however, you should capitalize on it. That means the conversation has come to you and what you’re an expert in. It’s your time to shine.

Where Would You Rank Twitter in Terms of Importance for a Business to Have?

As with so many things, it depends. If you find that your ideal customer is there already, it’s something your content will add value to many on, or you already have a feel for the platform from your personal use, it might be more important than Instagram or LinkedIn. 

I Don’t Get the Lingo. Please Help.

Don’t worry… It’s not that confusing. Learn about tweets, @, #, mentions, DMs, FF, RT, retweets, and more.

Start Marketing Your Business Online With These Three Easy Steps

If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

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If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here