Hustleburg Episode 10 – Answering Listener Questions 3-5-20

Before we get started on this week’s episode, I’d like to thank the folks over at Radio St. Pete for their addition of Hustleburg to the lineup on Thursdays at 8 AM and noon, as well as the podcast archive.

Thank you for the opportunity to share with your listeners how we do business in the ‘Burg.

In this Q&A episode of the Hustleburg podcast, Brett Bittner answers listener questions about how to market your business beyond social media, favorite marketing methods, and which social media platforms you should use to market your business.

How Do I Get the Word Out About My Business Beyond Social Media?

Social media isn’t for everyone, and some small businesses want to go beyond it to bring their business to the people they wish to serve. Brett responds to the above question with that in mind. The focus for someone not using social media or going beyond their social media networks should be to network. While most people think of networking as happy hours and business card swapping, there’s far more to it than that. Each interaction with someone in your field, you should learn how you can create value for them and act on it within your network. “Connectors” are some of the best businesspeople, because they know who can help whom, how, and they work to connect the helpers.

What Is Your Favorite Marketing Method?

Being a digital marketing firm, Beyond Your Side Hustle uses and recommends using social media and content marketing to share what it is that we do. By being a content producer, whether on social media, podcasts, you get to impact people’s lives that you may never encounter in a positive way. By adding all of that value to your community, value will be added to your life in return.

Which Platforms Should I Be Using for My Business?

This is a topic broached in Episode 4 of Hustleburg, where Brett discussed the single-most-important platform (Facebook), due to its popularity and the expectation that you have a page, even if you don’t have a website and alluded to what you should also consider. Keep in mind that current popularity and forever popularity aren’t the same, and that all social media platforms “age up.” Also, make sure that you use platforms that your likely customers do and that you can tell your story in a compelling way.

Start Marketing Your Business Online With These Three Easy Steps

If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

Hustleburg Listener Community
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 8 – Answering Listener Questions 2-20-20

In this Q&A episode of the Hustleburg podcast, our host Brett Bittner primarily answers questions about the viability of an idea, business and marketing strategy, and how much content is “too much.”

How Do You Know If/When A Business Idea is Viable?

In response to this question, Brett shares his thoughts on how you know when something moves beyond just an idea into a viable business. As with most bootstrappers, going beyond your side hustle means easing yourself and what you create into the market while still having the stability and comfort of your day job. The most important thing to know about viability is the reaction of your community about what you’re creating, and to find that out you must create. Just do it. It’s not just an athletic shoe slogan.

Where Do You Start When Creating a Strategy?

When creating a larger-scale business, a business plan can offer many insights as the entrepreneur critically evaluates the idea, product, or service. For many side hustlers, a strategy map will suffice to get past the idea stage and into the market. From a marketing perspective, strategy is determined through identifying the struggle your ideal client faces and working backward to determine the best way to tell stories to show how you and what you do will help them to tackle that struggle.  

How Much Is Too Much Content?

The short answer is that there is no such thing. With a diversity of platforms and channels, you will never overwhelm your community with content, because they don’t (and won’t) see everything that you put online. Not even your mom will get tired of seeing the content you create, because she won’t even follow you everywhere, and even if she did, the algorithms won’t show her absolutely everything. Read more about how there’s no such thing as too much content here. Finally, Brett touches on how it’s possible to create so much using a strategy like this from Gary Vaynerchuk through repurposing and sharing similar content through a variety of channels and using different contexts that are relevant to each platform.

Start Marketing Your Business Online With These Three Easy Steps

If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

Hustleburg Listener Community
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 6 – Answering Listener Questions 2-6-20

In this Q&A episode of the Hustleburg podcast, our host Brett Bittner primarily answers questions about branding, both in the business and personal sense.


He shares the best way to brand yourself as a student, before you even reach the workforce, especially among professions that require advanced degrees, like attorneys and doctors. These tips carry over to your personal brand beyond your education as well.

Are you concerned about changing your logo?

As your business grows, the need to grow with it and change with the times may require revisiting branding items, such as your logo. Brett shares why your logo, unless you’re a billion-dollar business that relies on being seen in a crowded field, isn’t as important as the feelings that people have about your organization. 

Staying the Course

The most important aspect of how long you stick with a course of marketing efforts is whether it’s your strategy or a particular initiative. Brett breaks down how long you should stick with what you’re doing in both cases.

Extroverts vs. Introverts

While a BIG extrovert, Brett discusses how introverts can start and grow their business and get to the point where they are able to hire an extrovert to do all the “extroverted activities” of a business. 

If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

Hustleburg Listener Community
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 4 – Answering Listener Questions 1-23-20

Listen to Hustleburg

Answering Your Marketing Questions

In this Q&A episode of the Hustleburg podcast, our host Brett Bittner discusses where to start creating content for your business online. He talks about how to determine the most important platforms for you, the starting point when creating the content for those platforms, and where you should be posting in 2020. He also details how to listen to your audience, add value in that community, and how to present your solution to it. Finally, in response to a question from an upcoming guest, he shares how you can build your organic follows on any social media platform around your business. 

If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

Hustleburg Listener Community
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 2 – Answering Listener Questions 1

Your Questions, Answered

In the first Q&A episode of the Hustleburg podcast, our host Brett Bittner discusses how he came to start Beyond Your Side Hustle, five books for any budding entrepreneur, five podcasts every small businessperson should be listening to, how to balance your 9-5 and your side hustle while you’re building, and what types of documentaries will help you building your business. 

If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

Hustleburg Listener Community
Brett’s LinkedIn

Where to Listen to Hustleburg

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Get on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here