Three Weeks to Ideal Engagement on Any Social Media Platform – Week Two

After a full week of overhauling the way this social media platform serves content, we have trained the algorithm to provide you the most valuable content from our recently scrubbed community. In Week 2, we need to amplify our preferences beyond likes, while beginning a habit of quality interaction with that growing community.

Continue Training the Algorithm

In Week 1, we set up our “New Feed, New You” content service, and we liked thousands of posts from that content that brought us value. Most, if not all, of the “liked” content added value for us in “The Five.”

As we progress into Week 2 and beyond, continue to seek out that content as outlined in Week 1. By maintaining this practice, you ensure that the platform serves you and your needs. Your continued use of relevant hashtags to serve useful content and looking for connections among your favorite relevant creators should also never cease. It is the backbone of your growth and helping find new content to explore and appreciate, as well as a bevy of new connections to engage. These activities should always be a part of your experience on the various social media platforms going forward.

Slightly Change Your Behavior

Instead of simply “liking” posts from the creators you receive value from, choose to react with context, where applicable, or comment with gratitude. We started with liking posts to help train the algorithm to serve you the content you want to see and rid yourself of the content that isn’t adding value. We took off the chains that were holding you back from reaching your potential as an active and engaged participant in the right conversations for your community conversation.

You aren’t done letting your community know the content that adds value to you. We’re just altering how you share with them your appreciation by adding context.

React with Context

If you’ve read much of our work, you already know that content is a very important part of your digital strategy. What may be more important is to understand and create context around that content.

As you continue the efforts of Week 1, add the practice of reacting with context on the platforms that offer the option. So, when using Facebook and LinkedIn, choose the appropriate reaction to the post you appreciate seeing in your feed. This active contextual examination helps you identify why you appreciated their content. For example, when someone shares a career update on LinkedIn, you should opt to “Celebrate” rather than just give it a thumbs up. Being able to point to why you appreciate their content will help you add value in later engagement. By moving beyond the very passive “like” only training we undertook in Week 1, we are setting the stage for active engagement with this simple change.

Comment With Gratitude

You’re probably asking how you should go beyond “liking” posts to train the algorithm for the platforms that don’t support multiple reactions on the platform.

For the social media outlets that simply have a “like” or “favorite” option (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube), continue to like or favorite the post. Then, take a moment to offer a brief comment or reply that offers the creator context around WHY you appreciated it. Simply saying something like “Thank you for explaining how that tool works” would be an appropriate comment on Instagram for a video. These comments should be simple and focused solely on the context of your appreciation. This will let the creators know what about their content you appreciated while also getting you in the habit of sharing contextual comments and replies.

Ready for Week 3?