Hustleburg Episode 33 – Interview with Pop Goes the Waffle’s Sara Fludd

“I Don’t Have to Have All the Answers”

Three years into Pop Goes the Waffle, Sara Fludd is making all the right moves to build her waffle empire here in Saint Petersburg. From how perfecting recipes to using the early days to conduct market research to best know her customers, she’s worked to build a wholesale operation, get the food truck up and running, and grow her brand. 

In this episode of Hustleburg, you’ll hear it all from her. Whether adapting to new circumstances or finding the answer to a problem, she shares how to adapt when things don’t go as planned, find the right people to know how to help, and help others find their way, even in the chaos and uncertainty of 2020. Regardless of the obstacles, Pop Goes the Waffle is thriving.

Get A Taste

Ready to meet Blossom (the truck) and Sara? Here are the three events we talked about in the interview:

Pop Goes the Waffle

Connect with Pop Goes the Waffle to make sure you don’t miss out on any liege waffles, waffle pops, or the ultra-rare shrimp and grits waffles:

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