Watch the Interview with Meet Me Locally’s Jacklyn Crisanti Here:
Listen to the Audio-Only Version with Jacklyn Crisanti Here:
“My Number One Rule is Nobody Sits Alone”
It’ll get personal with Jacklyn Crisanti when you attend one of her events, whether it’s business networking with Meet Me Locally, or the dating and Latin events she creates. She wants to get to know you, so that she can tailor your experience to suit what you’re looking to get out of it.

“It Doesn’t Matter if You’re the CEO or Just Starting Out, You Fit In”
Meeting Jacklyn is just the start of your Meet Me Locally networking experience, as she will plug you into the network where you get the most value from attending. Because of her nervousness at other events, she seeks to create a different experience that really makes any attendee feel welcome and valuable.
Business Networking with Meet Me Locally
Connect to network for your business:
Meet Me Locally Facebook Group
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Be a Guest on Hustleburg
If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here.