Taking Care of Yourself First

We’ve all heard the wisdom from those flight attendants, reminding us in the pre-flight safety instructions to affix our own masks before attempting to help someone else. As entrepreneurs we are serving others, and we aren’t going to serve them well, without adopting an attitude to care for ourselves first over always going, going, going.

Catch Those Z’s

Let’s address sleep first.

Sleep is necessary. It is healthy, and it’s rejuvenating. Sleep spurs creativity, and it improves performance.

What could you possibly bring of value for your business by denying your body its natural recharging activity constantly?

Will there be times that you’re up earlier than normal? Absolutely.

Will there be times when you burn the midnight oil working on something? For sure.

That’s totally normal and frequent for entrepreneurs, especially in the early days of our businesses, but that can’t be something that happens all the time. It just won’t work.

Early in your entrepreneurial journey, you should spend plenty of time on the why, how, and what you plan to do. Warren Buffett is quoted as saying “An idiot with a plan will defeat a genius without one.” So, plan. I know that when you’re still in that 9-5, your time outside the office to work on your dream is limited. You have early mornings, late nights, and weekends to build your dream. You will probably forgo an evening here or there binging on Netflix, while you work on the website or social media plan for your new venture after putting in a full day at the office.

It happens, and it’s okay. It just can’t be all the time. 

Recharge Yourself

Take a moment and consider what happens when you put your cell phone through its paces without putting it on the charger. It eventually runs out of battery life, right?

Sure, you can do a partial charge while you’re at your desk for a bit or when you’re in the car or you carry around an external battery pack, but that phone battery usually doesn’t fully charge. A good night’s sleep is like the time your phone spends on the wall charger. You may be able to stave off a complete shutdown with a quick nap or an extra cup of coffee. Eventually, all those partial efforts will catch up and hit you hard, and if they are frequent, you hope it’s not at a time when it will really impact your business.

On Hustleburg, there’s been plenty of discussion about how knowing your why, your reason for doing what you do. That will help energize you, constantly igniting your passion, but that can’t be the only fuel in your tank. You need to care for yourself before you can serve others. 

Address Your Well-Being

Obviously, there’s more to overall well-being than simply sleep and energy, and your investment in your well-being should be atop your entrepreneur portfolio. Whether it’s a matter of keeping yourself healthy by eating well and exercising to prevent health issues down the road, ensuring mental sharpness by doing the right things with regard to mindfulness, therapy, or addressing any struggles or issues there, or working to fill your spirit with a rich and full outlook. As Dr. Jenna Elwart noted in Episode 23 of Hustleburg, there are benefits to holistically approaching all the interdependent aspects of what makes up each of us. 

When it comes to our physical health, we should be ensuring that we stay physically active through exercise and activities, as well as eating in a way that enriches our bodies. Additionally, a fair amount of time away from work to relax and to be at our most productive when we engage with the work we do.

One thing that can really help stay at peak productivity and separate aspects of life is meditation. Not only does a practice of being mindful help to be more present in the day-to-day, as well as a relaxation time, it helps to have a better accounting of how the body feels. The time spent in such a practice also provides a defined break between “work” and “fun,” building meditation in to serve as the bridge between the two. Without that bridge, both work and fun melt and swirl into each other, and when that happens, we end up not particularly good at either. 

Hustleburg Episode 41 – Interview with The Body Electric’s Katelyn Grady

“It’s a More Spectacular Way to Connect With People.”

Much like yoga’s ability to merge our bodies and our minds, in this episode The Body Electric Yoga and Athletic Company‘s Katelyn Grady shares how she and her partner Jenny Miller found how they could combine their passion for mindful fitness and their careers. Studying spirituality and philosophy in college, Katelyn sought to share that knowledge and way of living with as many people as possible. Once she found that could pursue her passion as her work, the yoga studio was born.

The Body Electric Yoga and Athletic Companies

“Your Light Lights Other People Up.”

Motivated to light up as many others as possible, the pair grew The Body Electric beyond the studio, reaching out in the community with free classes at the Sundial, the Pier, and throughout St. Pete to get their name and their style of practice into the minds and bodies of the yoga community. In early 2020, they expanded to include the offerings of a “baby gym,” bringing the same approach to fitness workouts that they used for yoga practice. As with most small businesses in 2020, the name of the game has been to pivot to find a sustainable model going forward. 

In this episode, Katelyn mentions that every Saturday at 2 PM, The Body Electric partners with the Urban Yoga Foundation for the People’s Practice, a “pay what you can” practice that benefits the foundation.

BE Mindful, BE Fit, BE Active

Connect with The Body Electric:

Yoga Facebook
Athletic Facebook
Yoga Instagram
Athletic Instagram
BE App iOS
BE App Android
See Their Yelp! Reviews
(727) 490-9361
Katelyn on Instagram
Jenny on Instagram

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If you’re not satisfied with the social media results you’re getting, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers this training via email.

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Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit beyondyoursidehustle.com/podcastquestion and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 13.5 Bonus Episode – Creating Normalcy in a Time of Uncertainty

As we face an unfamiliar landscape of isolation, working from home, layoffs, and remote learning, the stress of these changes couple with the uncertainty of our future to induce a lot of anxiety. As you struggle with this anxiety and a litany of change, here is a conversation I had with my partner, Morgan Dean, that we hope will help you to create normalcy in the chaos of COVID-19.

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Hear Your Question, Answered, on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit beyondyoursidehustle.com/podcastquestion and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

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Brett Bittner  
This is a warning that the next few seconds are going to be rather loud and chaotic.

That clip that you just heard is probably what you feel like is happening all around you as you have tried to adapt in your new working from home mindset and the rest of this episode, this bonus episode of Hustleburg, is a conversation in which I talk about how you can kind of mitigate some of the anxieties, and some successful strategies for what we’re now finding is our new workplace. 

Welcome to a bonus episode of Hustleburg. In this one, we’re going to be talking about a lot of the things that have changed as a result of coronavirus or Cova 19. We’re actually recording this on the day that Pinellas County orders a stay at home order for the coronavirus, and it’s going to be released. The day after that it takes effect and I’m having a conversation with Morgan Dean. She is a law student at Stetson University College of Law. She also happens to be my partner, and we’re talking about some of the things that we’re anxious about, or that we are concerned about and how we can kind of mitigate some of those concerns as we face this, what has become at least a temporary new normal. So I’d like to welcome Morgan to the show.

Morgan Dean  
Thank you so much for that warm welcome.

Brett Bittner  
So Morgan, in our dynamic, generally speaking, I’m more of a calming presence, whereas you might be perceived as a bit more anxious. And I know that when it comes to this particular situation, you’ve been very consuming of the news, and have let it worry you probably a little more than I would like. Tell people a little bit about some of the things that you’re experiencing as a student who is having gone from going to class to now all remote for the remainder of the semester and kind of the things that have changed about your routine and things that are making you anxious about this new normal.

Morgan Dean  
Yeah, so it’s definitely weird. I got used to going to campus to study in the library and see people from my classes, as well as attend class. And now, none of that is happening, which is really weird. So, one of my classes is recorded. It’s not even live. So that’s very, there’s like no interactive element now, which is tough, especially in law school where so much of it is like discussing the law and trying to figure it out, like as a class really, because we’re all in the same boat. The other class is live using zoom like technology through Blackboard, so that’s nice, because you at least get that interactive element. But yeah, like you said, I consume a lot of news, obsessively I would say a little bit. And you know, I’m kind of also an insomniac. And so this is, this is not an ideal situation. Um, but yeah, I’m seeing a lot of changes and I know we’re seeing a lot of changes in the Small business community here in St. Pete. And yesterday was the great American takeout day.

Brett Bittner  
Oh, yesterday was great American takeout to help support some of the restaurants, small business restaurants as they try to adapt to a to go and delivery only model for the foreseeable future. So as you’re moving off of campus and doing more of your studying at home, and even classes at home now, what are some of the struggles that you’re finding that you’re having?

Morgan Dean  
Well, um, I think it’s just like the lack of the routine and the, like, lack of stability in a way like, and I you know, it is a little like, I am an introvert and I’m a homebody to an extent, but it definitely starts to wear on you. I think I’m on day 12 of not leaving the house except to go to the grocery store.

Brett Bittner  
Yeah, that sounds about right

Morgan Dean  
And yeah, I mean, it It’s definitely weird. I’m finding like, it’s kind of sometimes it’s hard to focus when I’m working on class stuff, especially with like the craziness that is having two rambunctious dogs and a crazy cat. So that’s a little difficult. And I think some of it is also the changes that are potentially happening in our grading system moving from GPA base to potentially pass fail. Can you sort of, you see, there’s a lot of positives and negatives on both sides. But this is definitely a difficult semester and very unorthodox, and I think everybody’s just trying to adjust to it the best they can

Brett Bittner  
Well, I think people that are home from their everyday jobs are certainly trying to adapt to conference calls and zoom being part of their everyday life. And we did insert a little bit of audio at the beginning of this episode to give you a taste of what that chaos can feel like, if only for a few seconds there. But you know, you’ve got kids and dogs And things going on in the background that are that are certainly distracting. And hopefully most of our small business people are remaining open, if they’re essential, or if they are unable to remain open, they’re doing some things as I am to, you know, plant some of those seeds for longer term projects and goals, to make sure that down the road, we’re going to be successful. Even if in the short term, we’re having some struggles. And one of the things that I wanted to make sure that we talked about today is focusing on what you can control. You know, you talked about the change in grading and everything being at home now and just a topsy turvy world. You know, a lot of people who have kids in the school systems school is at home for either the foreseeable future, possibly through the rest of the school year. And so with those closings, you know, really we have to learn that the only thing that we can control is ourselves and try to Do a little bit about the environment around us. And one of the ways that I found to be useful and I think that you have as well is if you figure out a daily routine, you know, where you’re getting up at kind of the same time, you’re making sure that you’re getting whatever stretching or exercise or physical activity. You know, you know, make sure you’re working that into your day and, and making sure that you’re departing your quote house to get to your quote, office, even if you’re just segregating where you do that work from the rest of the house so that when you’re sitting there, it does feel like you’re at work because it’s a situation where you’re setting that routine. Okay, this is home me in this new world. And this is work me when I’m in this space, and yeah,

Morgan Dean  
I think it can also help I haven’t personally tried this because I’m kind of lazy, but I think it can also help to get ready like you’re going to work, you know, Oh absolutely. If you’re someone who wears makeup, putting on makeup putting on like I mean you know you can be a little comfier than you would be at work maybe but still putting on you know, real clothes and not just like your pajamas, which like I said, I haven’t been great about. I have to say that I think that that can help as well, from what

Brett Bittner  
I’ve heard from other people, well, for sure it’s a mindset shift, you know, you’re moving from home you to work you. So it’s not just an environment thing. You have those routines that you’ve set for yourself, you maybe don’t have the commute that you did, maybe it’s a lot shorter as you go from the living room to the office or the bedroom to the office or just to a desk that separated from a lot of the things that are going on in the house. And you mentioned earlier we talked about your overconsumption or I think you call them obsessive consumption of the news specifically with regard to the coronavirus. And I’ve for the most part, kind of stayed away from that focusing on not really consuming because I know that you’re going to tell me anyway what’s happening. Although I have been very focused on what’s happening with the small business community, and little Here in St. Pete and Pinellas County, you know that overconsumption of the news when we have a 24-hour news cycle that’s constant, you know, there’s always something new coming out. And that can add a lot of stress.

Morgan Dean  
And yeah, I think it’s also that even if you’re not like looking up news specifically, you’re just on Twitter because you want to see some funny memes or whatever. You’re still inundated with it constantly because it’s really the majority of the content out there right now. So I think it’s, I think it’s difficult to avoid I I’ve been trying to take a break from social media in general because it’s just everywhere, even on Instagram, which is just amazing that you can make a site that’s all pictures about the coronavirus.

Brett Bittner  
Well, and I’m seeing it too generally my feed is a lot about what’s happening locally and you know, what’s happening for small businesses and what’s happening in tech and, and marketing and so I’m seeing that that has been overtaken by news about coronavirus and you know, all the closings and infections and testing.

Morgan Dean  
It would seem that there is, in a way like trying to look on the bright side cuz I’m trying to do that more. Yeah, it would seem that there’d be an opportunity for small business owners with utilizing like social media and virtual events, I guess right now because I’m seeing a lot of that which is interesting. I actually saw a virtual happy hour the other day, yes reply, which I thought was kind of interesting. Yeah, it’s kind of nice because everybody is missing that like social connection, even us introverts, I have to say.

Brett Bittner  
Well, one of the other things that I think we have been working on together to help reduce stress is being more mindful and meditating a bit more. We’re also spending more time with our two dogs and a cat. They’re very comforting. They are very comforting and it gives that time spent there I’m sure that they are thinking that we don’t do it enough as it is. So they’re appreciative of as well. And then just just taking a break when we need to take a break because it feels like you don’t get to when you blend the home and work or home and school, you don’t really have that opportunity to take that break. So we’re, we’re doing a little more when it comes to recreation with regard to just kind of watching things or checking out a little bit and painting painting for some of us, not for me, because I know that that would be terrible, but…

Morgan Dean  
It’s terrible for me to… painting

Brett Bittner  
So, is there anything as we wrap up that you want to share some of the tips or tricks that you want to share that you found useful for you in this kind of, I guess I’ll call it new normal.

Morgan Dean  
Yeah, um, I think it’s just the little things the day to day things meditating and getting outside like I went outside in the yard the other day and filled up our kiddie pool. That’s actually what we pay their dogs and I cleaned it first I filled it up with water and I put a chair right next to it and dipped my feet in and read a book and I felt like I was kind of out of pool Not really. But it helped a little bit it helped to like get the sun and feel nice. So doing things like that that maybe seem a little crazy to our neighbors perhaps. And yeah, just reading for fun. I’ve that’s been helping me a lot. You know, taking walks, getting that exercise, doing virtual yoga classes that’s been helpful. hula hooping, that’s fun, virtual hula hooping classes are also fun, by the way. So yeah, I think though, it’s the day to day things. And I think those things help shift the mindset because I think that’s the most important thing. But I know it’s hard. And I think everybody’s feeling it differently. And we’re just gonna get through this together, I think well.

Brett Bittner  
Together. I like that. Well, I want to thank you. For taking a little bit of time to chat with me today and I hope that those of you listening have enjoyed hearing that you’re not alone and that everybody is kind of struggling with their own things with the adaptation to what we’re having to kind of do right now. And hopefully, we were able to share a little bit about how you can make the situation that we find ourselves in just a little bit better.