Hustleburg Episode 27 – Interview with Green Book Tampa Bay’s Joshua Bean and Hillary Van Dyke

“Intentionality of Where You’re Spending Your Money”

With no larger spotlight on issues important to the black community in history, Joshua Bean and Hillary Van Dyke have seen unprecedented growth and attention for their socialpreneurial venture, Green Book Tampa Bay. As a resource of African-American cultural sites, black artists, and black-owned businesses in Pinellas and Hillsborough counties, Green Book Tampa Bay works to assure the economic vitality of the black community. Their hope is that the Green Book of Tampa Bay serves as a mobile travel guide, becoming the first stop for any service that you need.

In our conversation, Joshua and Hillary share with Brett the importance of their “passion project,” their passion for achieving equity for all black people in Tampa Bay, and where they look to take this endeavor.

Green Book Tampa Bay

Be Intentional:


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