Hustleburg Episode 48 – Most Valuable Q&A, Part 2

As we start to close the book on 2020, it seemed like an opportunity to share some of the most valuable Q&A segments that resulted from your questions this year. In Episode 46, we shared some of the most valuable moments from the Q&A episodes of Hustleburg. Today, we offer the rest of the segments from the Q&A episodes from 2020 that elicited so much feedback from our podcast community.

Top Podcasts for the Budding Entrepreneur

It may seem like self-development in business and entrepreneurship means a lot of reading, but there is a world of podcasts that we consume. Here are our recommendations of the top podcasts for the budding entrepreneur:

You can read why these are our top 5 podcasts for the budding entrepreneur here.

Re-Purpose Pillar Content

It’s easier to re-purpose content and make derivative pieces when you have a pillar content piece to draw from. A podcast episode, white paper, keynote address, meeting notes, and instructional videos can all turn into several other pieces of content aside from their initial purpose when published. It could be all of these can be broken up into 3-4 blog posts on your website. You can then slice them up further using some of the ideas we outlined earlier in the episode to create even more content for social. This content on social media will drive your existing community toward your other work, and you’ll be able to deepen your already-existing connection with those that carry over. 

It Can’t Be Hustle All The Time

One of the biggest flexes from entrepreneurs is that they are CONSTANTLY “on the grind.” A key component of content marketing success is the consistency of your content creation. Consistency is valuable, as is being able to unplug from time to time. When you can plan your breaks from consistent practice and make known the deviation from the standard, you offer your community an adjustment. 

If you’re an extrovert like me, you are energized by your interactions with others. The holidays present an opportunity to re-connect with those who don’t get as much of your attention when you’re “on,” as well as recharge yourself with the love and quality time spent with your loved ones, deepening your connection with them. 

We’ve all seen someone preoccupied with their cell phone, rather than engaging with the people around them. Obviously, in 2020 we’ve had to reexamine and retool our work lives to fit the framework we find ourselves in, and as we discussed in the bonus episode released toward the beginning of the pandemic shutdowns, it’s important that we maintain separate “work” time from the rest of our time. Really, it’s about making sure you aren’t sleepwalking through the relationships you have with the most important people in your life as a sacrifice to what you do, especially when that scrolling and app-checking isn’t actually productive time spent.

Get Engagement Training in Your Inbox Now

If you’re not satisfied with the social media results you’re getting, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers this training via email.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

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Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here