Hustleburg #68 – Flourish Magazine Style Photography’s Valerie Bogle

Watch the Interview with Flourish Photography’s Valerie Bogle

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“The Details Matter”

Getting to know the goals of each subject, how the photos will be used, and what will build their confidence makes the entire photoshoot “click.” Valerie Bogle has worked on both sides of the camera, and she brings her prior experience as an art director to make her subjects confident about the photos they need.

“When You Start to See Pictures of Yourself that You Actually Like, It Does Something for Your Confidence”

When you add the lighting, makeup, and touch-ups of a professional photoshoot, you feel confident in the product that you’re creating. Often, that confidence results in the best photos you’ve ever taken, and Valerie is working to make that happen every time.

Unleash Your Inner Heidi Klum with Flourish Photography

Connect with Valerie and Flourish:

Professional Headshots
Senior Photos
Call – 727.497.7427

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