Hustleburg #58 – St. Pete Salt Works’ Mark Anderson

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“We All Need an Adult Time Out”

Whether you’re stressed, in pain, having trouble sleeping, or just need to let go for an hour, floatation therapy may work to help you relax, be creative, or relieve your pain. Mark Anderson found that floating helped him after hearing about it on the Joe Rogan podcast, and he took what was a note on his Blackberry and created St. Pete’s first float center, St. Pete Salt Works.

What Can a Thousand Pounds of Medical Grade Epsom Salt and Ten Inches of Water Do For You?

Mark took his idea and made it a reality, bringing St. Pete a dedicated float center with three float rooms, but more importantly a place to escape for an hour.

Float on Through It

Connect with St. Pete Salt Works:

(727) 641-4427

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