The Interview Went Well, Now What?

You really knocked it out of the park with your interview! THAT. IS. AWESOME.

Now that the interview is complete, you’ll want people to listen to what you had to say, right? You wouldn’t want all the work you’ve done thus far to be for nothing. After all, your pitch e-mail or one-sheet should offer your help in promoting your episode to your community, so your job isn’t quite over yet. 

Help Promote the Show with Your Community

You should ask the podcast host or producer how they promote each episode of the podcast to make sure your efforts will complement theirs.

Network podcasts will often have a marketing team that pushes all of the network’s shows and episodes through their own marketing sequence. Independent creators will typically promote their own work, relying on their community to spread the word. This often means a push on social media or through their mailing list to bring attention to each episode they publish. Regardless, you’ll want to know what to expect to see to amplify their efforts to promote your appearance.

Whether independent or on a network, ask someone on the podcast team what that process is like: what platforms they use, when promotion for an upcoming episode begins, and how long it typically runs after each show publishes. Make sure the people who need to know have all your social media handles, so they can tag or mention you in each post. It will help better expose their community to you and your brand.

A day or two before you expect their promotional efforts to begin, you should share a post on a shared social media outlet, tagging or mentioning them in a post about how excited you are for your upcoming appearance or how much fun you had recording it. This increases the likelihood of immersing yourself in their community, by having your post retweeted or shared from THEIR social media to kick off the promotion of your appearance on the show.

Generally speaking, your efforts in promoting your appearance are better spent directly sharing their post talking about you, rather than creating your own content about it. By retweeting on Twitter or sharing their Facebook or LinkedIn posts to your own community, you help their posts gain further exposure, while also promoting yourself. 

If you find that their process is lacking in any way, don’t be afraid to step up your own promotion to drive listeners to the episode.

Forward Their Email

If they utilize a mailing list to update listeners, you have another opportunity to help promote your appearance. If the service they use provides a built-in forwarding mechanism, use it to send their promotional e-mail to your family and friends, most engaged community members, and internally within your business. If their service doesn’t, just forward it along with a personal note to those same stakeholders in your success. 

Refer Future Guests

If you look back fondly on your experience, definitely connect future guests with the podcast team. A glowing review or recommendation from you will offer future guests a preview of the experiences, outcomes, and networks their appearance can provide them as well. The team will appreciate your referrals, because podcast creators are almost always “on the hunt” for guests.

If your suggestions work out well, you are probably going to be invited back to appear again without all the hassle of research and preparation. It could even lead to a recurring guest spot.

I did this exact thing with two radio stations before moving to Saint Petersburg. I started out as a first-time guest, became a repeat guest after sending more their way, and both offered to have me on for a weekly spot to build my profile with their already-built community and share my areas of focus FOR FREE. 

Speak Well of Them

Believe it or not, podcast creators talk among each other. The more popular the show is, the more connections each host and producer has with other podcasts. Like I was taught, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. 

Finally, you should include this guest appearance to your website or blog, as well as an update to your one-sheet.