How Can a Podcast Help My Business?

There are several ways a podcast can help your brand or business. 

Share Your Knowledge and Expertise

The first way a podcast can help your business is by giving you an outlet where you can share your knowledge and expertise, shedding a light on your business while giving insight into your industry. You have direct knowledge and expertise that only you can share about the industry and, more specifically, your business. You are an expert in what you do, and this is an opportunity to share that expertise with people who are already interested.

Plus, if you’re one of the first podcasts in your industry, you also have the first-mover advantage over others that may join the podcast space for your industry down the road. Regardless, you have your unique perspective and an opportunity to differentiate yourself from other podcasts and businesses in the industry.

Sharing this expertise on an audio platform helps you build community around the show and your brand that you may not reach on a visual social media platform. Many people listen to podcasts while occupied with other tasks, passively consuming content while walking the dog, exercising, driving, or while working in a way no other digital media can be consumed.

Creating Connections

A podcast can also help your brand or business by creating connections to others in your industry. If you choose to interview guests on your show, you have the opportunity to reach out to and share viewpoints with your colleagues, vendors, and customers to offer a 360-degree discussion of your area of expertise. You also have an opportunity to add value for them, as well as the audience, while you discuss your industry and business. Without guests, you can share customer stories, solutions with vendors, funny anecdotes, and other content that showcase your expertise. 

You also reach people already interested in your industry and business with your show, acting as a reminder of who you are and what you do. It’s like nurturing a community of “warm leads” for your business.

Get Insight Into Your Community

When you engage and involve the listeners in the show itself, you also help your business, gaining insight into your community of customers and potential customers.

Can you imagine being able to ask an engaged community what they want to know about your business or industry? This is like having a FREE focus group to tell you how you can better serve them. You can also test new ideas with them, to find out if your latest idea is a good one. When you listen, you’re able to gain insight into how they want you to serve them.

Is there a better insight into the minds of customers than an engaged community of customers themselves?

Create Pillar Content

Finally, for a brand or business that’s creating content around themselves, a podcast gives you a tremendous amount of long-form content that you can use as a pillar for a lot of other content you create. You can re-package and re-purpose the same content across a variety of channels without having to create something completely original for each platform.

Using a podcast as “pillar content” is a great way to have a variety of content created for many platforms and uses.

Hustleburg Episode 35 – Interview with Apex Care Pharmacy’s Dr. Nirav Mehta

“I Saw That There is a Need for Patient Education”

After seeing his uncle’s pharmacy thrive in India, Dr. Nirav Mehta set out to make sure his pharmacy patients have all the information about what they’re taking, possible side effects, and any potential interactions from prescriptions across their health network. With a goal of being St. Pete’s hometown pharmacy, Dr. Mehta works to stand out from the other pharmacies in town. He and his team work to make patients feel welcome, appreciated, and informed about their medicines.

In this episode of Hustleburg, you’ll hear it all from him. As we saw with other professional service providers, like Dr. Jenna Elwart, business education isn’t a part of their training, which focuses more on the rigors of treating their patients. Working hard to differentiate his pharmacy and providing the care his patients need drives Dr. Mehta’s thriving business here in Saint Petersburg.

Fill Your Prescriptions with Apex Care Pharmacy

Connect with Apex Care Pharmacy to make sure you are fully informed by the neighborhood pharmacist about your medication:


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If you’re not satisfied with the social media results you’re getting, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers this training via email.

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If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Create Pillar Content for Your Business with a Podcast

By having a podcast serve as long-form pillar content for your brand, you achieve two big things.

What Your Pillar Content Does

  1. You create a library of searchable content that stands out when people look for you and in your industry. If they are not a part of your community already, they will be looking for an expert to answer questions in your industry. You are that expert.
  2. When creating content around your brand, a podcast serves as a terrific way to re-use and re-purpose content for other use, by slicing, dicing, and re-packaging the podcast content and using it elsewhere without having to create more content. 

Re-Purpose Content

A 20 minute podcast episode turns into several other pieces of content aside from the audio you publish. It can serve as 3-4 blog posts on your website by transcribing (or using your pre-written notes). Think about how much time you save by editing your spoken word to become a blog post, rather than writing, re-writing, editing, and publishing new, original, written content into a blog post. 

Also, utilize your laptop or smartphone camera to record video yourself recording your podcast episode to upload to YouTube to capture those who are interested in the visual as well as the audio of your podcast content. It also offers a way to passively consume the audio on their computer while they utilize other tabs in their browser or applications as they work. It’s an easy way to share video content with minimal editing, only requiring a cut here and there and uploading to YouTube. You then create a channel on the second largest search engine in the world for your business. Having that search engine working for you is pretty handy when you consider that Google also owns YouTube and will be able to index your video for relevant Google searches. 

Social Media Use

Take short video clips from your podcast, whether your recorded video or “audiograms” to share to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote your show, share video content highly-valued by those platforms, and share smaller bites of your expertise with your community. That content will also drive your existing community toward your podcast, and you’ll be able to deepen your already existing connection with those that carry over . 

In addition to the audio and video that you re-purpose in smaller pieces, you can also create memes for those same platforms with quotes, as well as offer text excerpts from the body of your podcast to your community across platforms. This creates a TON of content from a single podcast episode without minimal extra effort. 

This is how we are able to create so much around Beyond Your Side Hustle, creating articles, videos, quotes, and micro-blogs from the larger pillar content created for the podcast. We also record video YouTube publication to answer each question answered thus far on the Q&A episodes.

There is a lot of potential content created from a single episode of Hustleburg, and it’s replicable for your podcast. 

Hustleburg Episode 33 – Interview with Pop Goes the Waffle’s Sara Fludd

“I Don’t Have to Have All the Answers”

Three years into Pop Goes the Waffle, Sara Fludd is making all the right moves to build her waffle empire here in Saint Petersburg. From how perfecting recipes to using the early days to conduct market research to best know her customers, she’s worked to build a wholesale operation, get the food truck up and running, and grow her brand. 

In this episode of Hustleburg, you’ll hear it all from her. Whether adapting to new circumstances or finding the answer to a problem, she shares how to adapt when things don’t go as planned, find the right people to know how to help, and help others find their way, even in the chaos and uncertainty of 2020. Regardless of the obstacles, Pop Goes the Waffle is thriving.

Get A Taste

Ready to meet Blossom (the truck) and Sara? Here are the three events we talked about in the interview:

Pop Goes the Waffle

Connect with Pop Goes the Waffle to make sure you don’t miss out on any liege waffles, waffle pops, or the ultra-rare shrimp and grits waffles:

Get Engagement Training in Your Inbox Now

If you’re not satisfied with the social media results you’re getting, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers this training via email.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

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Beyond Your Side Hustle on LinkedIn
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 31 – Interview with Ace High Printing’s Rick Herbert

“It was literally trial by fire.”

It isn’t every day that you meet a business owner that fell into their line of work. In this episode of Hustleburg, you’ll hear from Rick Herbert, owner of Ace High Printing, about how he went from doing freelance computer networking for a print shop to managing the place in three weeks. He hasn’t looked back and has spent the last 16 years building and growing a successful printing operation. 

You may remember Rick from the St. Pete: OPEN for Business chats back in April, where he talked about helping fellow small businesses cope with and survive the uncertainty amid the economic shutdowns. In this expanded conversation, we talk about how he found a niche not being served well and grew it into a thriving business.

Ace High Printing

Make Ace High Printing your one-stop shop for all your printing needs:

Get Engagement Training in Your Inbox Now

If you’re not satisfied with the social media results you’re getting, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a this training via email.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

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Beyond Your Side Hustle on LinkedIn
Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Three Weeks to Ideal Engagement on Any Social Media Platform – Week One

Are you ready to increase the engagement of your brand or business online? Or are you ready to start a new outlet for it? This is a single-platform engagement plan, so don’t worry about other platforms yet.

Why Only One Platform?

We start this reboot or the kickoff for your engagement implementation on a single platform for two reasons:

  • Changing your mindset and starting new activity on one platform will take a concerted effort to use the platform differently. At first, the learning, but more so the implementation, curve will be steep. We are changing behavior here, and it won’t be easy at first.
  • It will take a lot more effort to participate in the conversation that is social media than you’ve done before. You will have to find time, efficiency, and dedication to get it done on a single platform. Can you imagine if you started all this extra work on the five platforms where you have a presence at once?

Week One – Fixing Your Feed

First things first.

Stop posting content on this platform. That sounds crazy right now, but it will make sense.

Doing things as you had always done them wasn’t working for you, so ceasing that content creation and posting will improve your listening and context while we are overhauling how you engage on social media. You were not adding value to enough people to keep it up, so, for the re-boot, no new content created or posted. Period.

To begin, we have to fix the feed that the platform presents to you by shocking the algorithm. Much like we outlined when we sought to change the content before you on a platform because it wasn’t what you wanted to see or stressed you out, we need to fix the feed of the platform.

Out With the Useless, In With the Valuable

On the first day of Week 1, go through your connections, friends, pages, accounts, groups, and hashtags to UNFOLLOW/UNFRIEND/DISCONNECT all the users of the platform that don’t add value for you. You should also consider if the value they add for you is within “The Five,” the five areas of focus for your content creation. By getting rid of the creators that don’t add value for your experience in the areas where you need to focus, you will let them crowd out the content you need to see and fall back into doing things the way you’ve always done them.

Now that you’ve pruned all the useless and valueless from your feed, explore the connections from those that do add value to you. Take time to look at their content, join relevant groups, or add certain hashtags to the content you consume that will add value to you, specifically in the five areas of focus you have. Doing this will give you an immediate win in controlling what content is served to you. Every platform programs their algorithm to give you more of what you just indicated that you wanted to see. They want you to see that newly-added content, because you will act like a child with their newest toy, ignoring all the ones you have to focus on the fresh one that you now have.

This process to tailor the sources of content you’re served will take a while, but get it done on the first day of this endeavor. This drastic change in how you connect with the platform will get rid of the dead weight and add new and valuable creators, telling Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or LinkedIn that you need to see THIS content that is now relevant to you.

The rest of the first week gets way easier for you, and you should invest the time of the remaining six days to help the platform really understand you by completing a solitary action repeatedly.

“Like” Posts

Indicate an interest in the creators that show up in the “new” content you see by simply tapping or clicking “like” on the posts that give you even the slightest bit of value.

Simply “like” them. Don’t leave any comments, reply to them, or even react. Just a simple “Thumbs up” for Facebook, LinkedIn, or YouTube and a heart for Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to let the platform know what kind of content you value. Perform this activity with an emphasis on valuable content in “The Five.” Instead of focusing on seeking out new connections, take the time to consume A LOT of content and force the algorithm to understand the “new you.”

Let’s Start Week 2, Shall We?

Hustleburg Episode 29 – Interview with Banyan Bookkeeping’s Sara Evans

“I Realized I Could Start My Own Business Helping Small Businesses”

Always a helper, Banyan Bookkeeping‘s Sara Evans found herself needing a refreshed sense of purpose after an 18-year career in social work. After intense scrutiny, she started her own bookkeeping services business, helping other small businesses focus on what they specialize in, instead of something they want nothing to do with. While it may be tedious work, Sara’s focus is to help your business by letting you get back to the part of the business that you love. 

You may remember Sara from a bonus episode back in April, featuring the audio of the St. Pete: OPEN for Business chats. In this expanded conversation, she shares her affinity for working with “the trades,” and helping them get to the important work of plumbing or HVAC repair, rather than spending hours scouring Quickbooks. 

Banyan Bookkeeping Services, LLC

Get Back to the Part of the Business You Love:


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If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Hear Your Question, Answered, on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 25 – Interview with Cycle Brewing’s Doug Dozark

“You Could Go Any Direction You Wanted. There’s Not One Way to Start a Brewery. There’s Not One Style of Beer. ”

Known for barrel-aged beers, Doug Dozark with Cycle Brewing has been on the craft beer scene for over ten years. Starting in Gulfport at Peg’s Cantina and Brew Pub, Cycle Brewing now operates a taproom on Central Avenue downtown with a warehouse just south. You’ve probably seen their beers on tap around town and on shelves at liquor, grocery, and convenience stores. You can even order online for pickup at the Central Avenue taproom here.

In this interview, Doug Dozark shares with Brett about the last decade of craft brewing, how important reputation is to Cycle Brewing, and the legal landscape of the beverage industry.

Craft Brewing

Find your favorite brew:


Subscribe, Rate, Review

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Hear Your Question, Answered, on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Hustleburg Episode 21.5 – Bonus Audio from St. Pete: OPEN for Business Chats 6

In this bonus episode of the Hustleburg podcast, we compiled the audio from 2 Zoom video chats with small businesses here in Saint Petersburg about their creative ways to stay OPEN for business. If you’ve got something creative to share, send me an e-mail at

You can see these video chats on YouTube or by clicking their name below.

Barbara Banno from Stella’s in Gulfport

Stella’s 2914 Beach Blvd, Gulfport, FL 33707
8AM-3PM – Take-Out & Delivery Only

Find Stella’s online at their website, call for a reservation or to place an order at (727) 498-8950, contact via email, find them on Facebook, engage on Instagram, get the scoop on the Stella’s life.

Rock Ave. Escape Room’s Rob & Alison Faiella

Rock Ave. Escape Room 8351 SR 54 Suite 110 Trinity, FL 34655
Daily 1PM-9PM – We’ve Moved All Online – Anticipated Re-Opening 7/6/20

Find Rock Ave. Escape Room online at their website, book your opportunity to play Ready Mayor 1, find them on Facebook, engage on Instagram, keep up to date on Twitter, or call (727) 264-8359.

If you’re an escape room operator, here are their virtual escape services.

Start Marketing Your Business Online With These Three Easy Steps

If you’re just getting started marketing your business online, Beyond Your Side Hustle offers a FREE Getting Started Guide.

Find out more about Beyond Your Side Hustle here:

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Brett’s LinkedIn

If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

Be a Guest on Hustleburg

If you have any questions you’d like to have answered on an upcoming Q&A episode, please take a moment to visit and ask there. If you’re a St. Pete businessperson who’d like to sit down for an interview, please reach out to us here

Five Focus Areas for Content

The most popular question we receive, no matter which social media platform, centers around producing content. We are constantly asked, “What should I post about?” To help, we’ve created the five areas of focus for all of your social media content:

  1. The main thing that you do. This is content centered around how you add value to the world at large, and specifically to your community. This helps you establish yourself as an expert in doing YOUR thing. This should be the focus of about 40% of your content. This doesn’t mean that you should post 40% of your content focused on YOU. It means that you should focus 40% of your content on the topic that is the pillar of your business.
  2. Something related to your “main thing.” This related topic bolsters your expertise in your main focus topic and highlights that you aren’t singularly focused on just one aspect of the business. This content should make up about 20% of what you post. Again, this is a topic that you are posting about, not something about your business’s offering in that area.
  3. Something else related to that “main thing.” Another related topic will further bolster your expertise to those who find you. With this third business topic, you have a base for 80% of your content. Remember, this isn’t 80% of the content you create about YOU, it’s 80% of the content you create about this topic.
  4. Something that is interesting to YOU, but is NOT directly related to your business. Yes, you should post content that isn’t directly related to any of the other topics you’re already creating content about that was outlined above. You’ll do this to offer some personality to your business online. Otherwise, you appear robotic and uninteresting. To offer an example of this type of content, you can share and create about where you went to college, where you are from originally/if you’re a native of your community, a sports team you support, or hobby you enjoy. This should not monopolize your content, making up only about 10% of what you share.
  5. Something else that is interesting to YOU. This should be another interesting topic to YOU, yet something that is not directly related to your business topics. You’re furthering yourself from robotic and flat. This should be about 10% of the content that you share. Often, this can be your family, faith, or your volunteer work to offer a few more examples.

That should be a good place to start for your upcoming posts to social media, keeping in mind that you may want to change it up a bit depending on the platform you’re using.