Hustleburg Episode 7 – Interview with Tread Connection Tampa Bay’s Peter Jaeger

“Weekends are for fun, not for tires.”

In this episode, Brett meets with Peter Jaeger of Tread Connection – Tampa, a mobile tire and wheel service, serving Saint Petersburg. In addition to installing tires and wheels at your home, office, or anywhere in between, they also provide mobile flat repair, wheel balancing, and nitrogen fill services for your car’s tires and wheels.

Brett and Peter discuss how operating a franchise is a bit different than building from scratch and how much things are the same. They discuss challenges in marketing a small business, even with a national brand name behind you, and their upcoming appearance at the 33rd Annual Mustang and Ford Roundup on March 14, 2020. 

Grip Tread Connection

Find out more about Tread Connection – Tampa:


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