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“We Put Quality Over Sales Everyday”
In the competitive home services industry, differentiating your business from another can be difficult. Nikki Hage with Hage Fence Repair sets out to make sure that quality is what they’re known for. Rather than sub-contracting out some of their work, they ensure that the best players on their team provide the work for their customers, specific to the job.
“We’re Not Allowed to Say the ‘F’ Word”
In a family business, it can be difficult to separate work life and family time, and one thing she and her husband Darryl make sure of is that they don’t say the “F” word when it’s family time, so you probably won’t hear them say “fence.”

Fix Or Build Your Fence with Hage Fence Repair
Learn more about Birthday Candles for Kids, the charity mentioned in the episode, started by Chelsea and Kayla Hage. This 501c3 organization serves the community by who throwing birthday parties for homeless & less fortunate children in Pinellas County.
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