Hustleburg BONUS Episode – Casey Stubbs: Trader, Trainer, Educator

From Broke Dad to Seven-Figure Trading Business

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When the economic meltdown in 2008 collapsed around Casey Stubbs, he was not able to find a job in the construction industry after getting laid off. Faced with a future that was uncertain at best and bleak at worst, he took the initiative to turn things around. He started trading stocks while on unemployment, documenting the process of what he learned along the way.

He used this hands-on education and experience to build a community around his success, training and educating others with what he learned as he went.

“Make Something Happen With What You Have”

Before boot-strapping was really as widely known as it is today, Casey’s journey started with a mid-level laptop and the time to learn. When money isn’t plentiful, you need to take an inventory of what you do have and make the most of it. By the time his unemployment benefits ran out, he didn’t need to find a job because he started his new career, helping others join him on the path to financial success.

Trade Like Casey Stubbs

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How to Trade It Podcast

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