Hustleburg Episode 45 – Interview with Blush Tea and Coffee’s Lori Bishop

“People were looking for a reason to get out and make a connection”

Even the most introverted people are social creatures, and they desire community, even a small one. In this episode, Blush Tea and Coffee‘s Lori Bishop shares how she left her 9-5 job in the corporate world to build a retail tea and coffee shop here in Saint Petersburg. Learning as she went, Blush Tea and Coffee offers tea and coffee lovers the opportunity to embrace their love of their favorite hot beverage while being a part of the community that populates Blush’s cafe.

“Bringing people together”

After being turned onto tea by her daughter, Lori combined her desire to bring the people of Saint Petersburg together with her newfound love of tea without leaving behind her longtime coffee-drinking roots. Adding pastries and loose-leaf tea in her retail space to the mix, as well as an e-commerce option for those looking to have their favorite teas shipped, Lori and her team serve a wide variety of tastes throughout Saint Petersburg and beyond. 

Sharing her biggest lessons learned, Lori offers a look at the difficulties of building a new business and the patience it requires. That prepared her for the pivots necessary to adapt to the challenges that the COVID pandemic and various stages of shutting down and re-opening brought about. 

Grab a Cup of Tea or Coffee with Blush

Connect with Blush Tea and Coffee:

Meet the Blush Team!
(727) 485-8359

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