Hustleburg Episode 43 – Interview with My Mathematical Mind’s Deborah Peart #BlackWomenRockMath

“If not me, then who?”

Most people don’t actually hate math, rather they hate the bad experiences they’ve had with math as it’s been presented to them. Deborah Peart of My Mathematical Mind works with teachers and students who feel like they just “aren’t math people” to develop lasting positive math identities, and improve achievement in mathematics. Often, it’s a matter of not having questions answered, as Deborah experienced in her early childhood education, which silences the student as their curiosity and interest is dampened.

My Mathematical Mind's Deborah Peart

“Why Are Your Students so Excited About Math?”

When your peers in the education field ask you that question, you know you’re doing something right. Whether it’s the one-on-one coaching with elementary school-aged students, mentorship with educators, or the scholarship and public speaking on the subject, My Mathematical Mind offers the tools to create and nurture educational environments that grow confidence around mathematics.

Grow Your and your Child’s Confidence Around Mathematics

Connect with My Mathematical Mind:

Read about guiding students to a healthy math identity

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