Hustleburg Episode 35 – Interview with Apex Care Pharmacy’s Dr. Nirav Mehta

“I Saw That There is a Need for Patient Education”

After seeing his uncle’s pharmacy thrive in India, Dr. Nirav Mehta set out to make sure his pharmacy patients have all the information about what they’re taking, possible side effects, and any potential interactions from prescriptions across their health network. With a goal of being St. Pete’s hometown pharmacy, Dr. Mehta works to stand out from the other pharmacies in town. He and his team work to make patients feel welcome, appreciated, and informed about their medicines.

In this episode of Hustleburg, you’ll hear it all from him. As we saw with other professional service providers, like Dr. Jenna Elwart, business education isn’t a part of their training, which focuses more on the rigors of treating their patients. Working hard to differentiate his pharmacy and providing the care his patients need drives Dr. Mehta’s thriving business here in Saint Petersburg.

Fill Your Prescriptions with Apex Care Pharmacy

Connect with Apex Care Pharmacy to make sure you are fully informed by the neighborhood pharmacist about your medication:


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