“[Dogs] have to learn the motion first. Then, apply the word to it.”
Do you have a new four-legged addition to your family? In this episode of Hustleburg, Brett sits down with Sit Means Sit – Saint Petersburg‘s Elena Elwart and her dog, Junior.

Brett and Elena discuss different types of dog training, red flags when it comes to picking your trainer, and what to expect when you embark on a training program for your dog.
The SPCA Pet Walk mentioned in this episode is now a virtual event in response to COVID-19 and the health of participants, being held April 18th.
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Start training with Elena here:
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Brett Bittner
In this episode, I have the opportunity to speak with Elena Elwart from Sit Means Sit in St. Petersburg.
Elena Elwart
Thank you so much for having me.
Brett Bittner
Oh, glad to have you. And we have a special guest Jr. who if you saw some of the stuff that we did, prior to the episode, you’re going to see him featured as well. So Elena, why dog behavior?
Elena Elwart
It’s actually a very personal story for me. So I started out owning my first ever dog as a gift to myself coming back from deployments. I’m a veteran, and it was my, hey, you’re doing great, you’re making some good money. Now you’re gonna have to occupy your time with something else. So I got grace and I tried two different training programs that didn’t work. She’s a very Alpha Dog, okay. Which I did not understand at all.
Brett Bittner
Some people have no idea what you’re talking about when you say something like alpha.
Elena Elwart
Yes. So alpha dogs, just to give you an idea, they want what they want when they want it, and they will find every loophole possible to get their way. And when you have a tiny little dog that’s about six pounds on half an acre of land trying to get them to go inside it gets very frustrating. So I found sit means sit, and they had actually been a successful Business prior to joining second set, which is a franchise, and when I was a client, my trainer was also a veteran. So he was able to kind of see some of the behaviors that grace was doing that is not typical of dogs. And she ended up becoming my service dog. Totally unplanned. But because of that, I kind of dove into the whole realm of how dogs help people how people’s psyche as well as physical body can be benefited from just touching a dog. And then I saw the difference between myself in when I interact with my dog and when I interact with people, and it was totally different. So grace really kind of started the path for me and three months in my trainer said, Hey, why don’t you open a franchise since you’re getting medically chapter out of the army? And I said, Don’t know a thing about training. So I spent eight months internship with him. So while I was still full time I did part time with them. Then I became a trainer with them because I was taking longer to get out of the army than anticipated. And then after working with them, I finally moved to St. Petersburg and got my certificate as a franchise owner in a color trainer and then opened up my business come April of 2012.
Brett Bittner
So a lot of the folks that we’ve talked to haven’t been franchise owners. Tell me what that looks like in the sit means sit world when we spoke with Peter Yeager, I believe that was Episode Seven of Tampa tread connection. He was our first franchisee. What does that mean? In the sit means sit world.
Elena Elwart
So with that being said, it means that we get a brand. We also have continuing education. So a lot of trainers once they graduate from a class they think they know everything. And that really makes them stagnant in the dog world because dogs evolve, training evolves, everything needs to be continued to keep updated. So with set means set, we have both, like the business owner aspect of it for continuing education as well as the training aspect of it as continuing education. So we both opportunities each year for us to go to and attend. They also have the branding, they help us with non competes and contracts with clients. We’re also able to reach out to other franchise owners and trainers and if we don’t know how to fix something, we can ask for their opinion what worked for them and different strategies that we haven’t tried yet or haven’t thought of trying yet.
Brett Bittner
So here in St. Petersburg, who is it that you’re working with the most what kind of dog what kind of people come to Sit Means Sit generally?
Elena Elwart
I actually train just about any dog out there. My biggest clients right now is dogs that are struggling with behavioral issues that people call aggression, but it’s really just a reactivity out of fear. And then I also have people that want their dog to become a therapy dog. And I had started the Florida chapter of the Go Team therapy airport and crisis dogs. So I trained a lot of dogs to be able to go through that as well.
Brett Bittner
Okay, so who’s your ideal client?
Elena Elwart
My ideal client is somebody that wants to take their dog anywhere in everywhere in St. Pete. Okay. St. Pete is trying to become the most dog friendly city in America. That’s great. And we are getting there. We have so many dog friendly restaurants and breweries, and we even have a dog bar and we have a another dog that or another bar that has dog park in it. So there’s all kinds of different places that you can take your dog. So I want to build a relationship between the handler, the owner, the parents of the dog, and get them to a point where they feel like they can literally do anything with their dog.
Brett Bittner
Awesome. What should a puppy parents be looking for when they’re actually out there looking to find a trainer for their dog.
Elena Elwart
My biggest advice to everybody when I talk to them is asked to view training. If a trainer won’t show you how they train or they won’t invite you to group classes to view or come view a private lesson. That’s usually a red flag. Everything I do is out in public. I do group classes in public. I do a lot of private lessons at public parks or at people’s homes. I like to train as we live, not in a bubble. So I do all the time. Training out in public. So I am visible everybody. I have nothing to hide. And so if a trainer has something that they feel like they have to hide, big, huge red flag. So now what kind what types of training do you do? Obviously, you said you work with every kind of dog. Are we talking obedience for the very beginners all the way through? You mentioned something called e collar training. I know what that is, but I don’t know that everybody else does. But that’s certainly a more advanced off-leash training than what you’re seeing in the group classes, private lessons, obedience stuff.
Brett Bittner
So tell us a little bit about each of the types of training that you do.
Elena Elwart
So I actually have a unique training system. So for I have a puppy class that uses treats so it helps new puppy owners learn how to be with their puppy and get them on a leash and get them started and proper introductions with other dogs etc. And then once they’re past 16 weeks old, they can go straight into the E collar training. So I use e collar training as a template. So that way they can learn to focus on their handler, no matter where they’re at and what the distractions are. Even though the dogs are young, we still want them to know proper boundaries, what’s expected of them in different situations. So we actually teach the dog how to act in each situation, instead of just teaching them sit, stay, walk in a circle and then become buddies with everybody in class, right? Our group classes actually our maintenance program. So it is not your typical class. We do very advanced things. We do lots of food refusal, advanced distraction work, distance work, off-leash work, hand signals, directionals, whistle commands and fun games as well.
Brett Bittner
Wow, that’s a lot. Yes. So when somebody finally has secured training for their dog, what should they expect? What what are they going to encounter when they show up the first day with their dog.
Elena Elwart
So the first day, we actually are able to start teaching the dog how to focus, how to sit with attention, do something called a place command, as well as come command, and that is your foundation of training. And if they don’t have that foundation, you’re not going to progress. So we really make sure that our clients understand the importance of those commands. And then we use that as our building blocks. And each client is very individual, I do a free consultation because I don’t train each dog being exactly the same as other dogs, because each dog has their own personality, their own way of communicating their own needs. And so it has to be very individualized especially when different families want different things from their dogs like one family may want to go camping with their dog, whereas another family just wants a great dog to go running with.
Brett Bittner
Have you ever encountered an untrainable dog?
Elena Elwart
Twice. and they had medical conditions. Usually it’s not a behavioral thing. Yeah, it’s usually medical.
Brett Bittner
So, what was it that made them untrainable?
Elena Elwart
One had cancer and one had a brain tumor.
Brett Bittner
Okay, that would definitely do it. Yes.
Elena Elwart
Usually when a dog becomes, quote, unquote untrainable it’s because of some sort of medical issue. Okay. I actually have a friend who was a trainer whose dog she rescue was this great demo dog. She’s cute, spunky, very friendly, and then all of a sudden, she started to become aggressive towards people. She couldn’t understand that she did lots of training. She’s a trainer so she knows what she’s doing. She reached out to everyone took her dog into the vet, the dog had brain cancer. So it’s always a reason why a dog is behaving a certain way. And behaviors are always manageable, but you can’t change a dog’s DNA. So I always tell people like if your dog does not like other dogs, it’s Okay, I don’t like other people all the time, right? And that’s okay.
Brett Bittner
What’s something that most families don’t know about their dog?
Elena Elwart
Oh, that’s a good one. Usually they don’t know about the proper form of communication. So everybody thinks that dogs just automatically understand when you tell them sit that it means put their butt on the ground, right. And that’s not true. They have to learn the motion first, and then apply the word to it. So I tell clients, you could use Google OSH as their sick command and it would mean the exact same thing. I actually have a client who says that her next dog in a few years, she wants to teach the sit as a down and a down as a sit and come as a stay. Oh, wow. And she has two other dogs. It will be confusing but it just shows that you can use any word for the The motion that the dog does, it’s just being consistent with the exact same word and having it small. Not a huge, long sentence like why are you barking so much? I just don’t understand.
Brett Bittner
They don’t understand English. No, they they’re getting maybe 60 words if they’re really, really smart, so I totally get that. So what is it that you’re doing now switching a little more to the business side of things to keep a full calendar?
Elena Elwart
Well, I’ve actually for two years, I didn’t do any advertising because I’ve had so many referrals. It’s just me. I’m on the business owner and the trainer. So my calendar has always stayed very busy or solopreneur. I love that. But now I have added in some Google AdWords, right. I used to do a lot of events, but I just don’t have the time for it anymore. It’s very time consuming, but from new business owners best way ever To make networks, get involved in the community, get your name out into the community. I did a lot of rescue events, I did home shows, races, all kinds of festivals, anything and everything that could get my name out there.
Brett Bittner
Awesome. What is it right now that you would like to do better or more of in that same realm that you think that could really bring you some business?
Elena Elwart
I actually think I found the sweet spot. Okay, I’m almost eight years into my business. Yeah. So I have dabbled in just about everything in terms of advertising. I don’t want to be one of those people that work 60 hours a week, right? Because I love my dogs and I want to do stuff with them. No, of course. So I i limit how many clients I actually take in and right now with the influx from the Google AdWords, I can’t do anything more, or I’m going to be too overwhelmed.
Brett Bittner
I understand. What is it that you’re watching or reading or listening to? that’s helping you keep up with the latest in dog behavior and or helping you grow to grow your business so that you’re not necessarily always working in it. But you’re working on it.
Elena Elwart
Yeah. Working on it instead of in it is always the hardest. I feel like for business owners Yeah, we’re very particular we want…
Brett Bittner
No one does it as well as we do.
Elena Elwart
our business. So that’s the biggest struggle for me is I have gone through many employees. And I know I’m difficult to work for because I have a very particular way of treating clients treating clients and dogs. I view that every client’s dog should be treated as my own. And a lot of trainers just want the easy Fast Money and not put the work in. And it is work. You’re not just sitting there petting puppies all day. Yeah, you have to walk them and potty them and feed them if they’re staying with you and make sure they’re groomed properly and on top of that work on the obedience that they came to you for. So there’s a whole nother level to it that a lot of people just don’t understand. They think dog training, get to hang out with dogs all day, right? while you’re on your feet a lot. You’re at parks a lot. So you’re outdoors, a lot, all kinds of weather. And so you have to keep an eye on the weather things that you normally wouldn’t have to worry about worrying about. Is it too hot? Is it now too cold because with our fluctuations and winter, the dogs sometimes they aren’t able to handle it as well as some other dogs. So just being able to find someone that does it the way that I do it, okay is always gonna be a struggle for me.
Brett Bittner
All right. So what are you doing to keep up with what’s happening in dog behavior then?
Elena Elwart
I actually part of I don’t know how many groups on Facebook I am part of therapy dog group pages, a service dog group pages, because the service dog world is rapidly changing for the better, good. And then I’m also on a whole bunch of different Florida dog trainer groups, Florida dog business groups, Florida marketing groups, dog training marketing groups. So basically I spend at least a half an hour every day going through different posts, seeing what other people are struggling with. Because sometimes you don’t realize you’re struggling with something when you’re in the middle. Right? Yes. So I kind of learned from other people as well as put my own input in there as well. There’s so much information out there on dogs that it can be hard to keep on top of things. So I always try to make sure that what I’m reading is the most up to date and current, okay, because there’s still things out there. floating around from research back in 2001 or 2020.
Brett Bittner
So when you’re not training dogs, what is your favorite thing to do in or around St. Pete?
Elena Elwart
Go somewhere with my dog. Okay. I love to go to dog beaches. I like to go to the dog bar. I like to go to breweries that are dog friendly. restaurants have patios for dogs. Everywhere I go, pretty much I bring a dog with me.
Brett Bittner
So looking forward through the rest of 2020. Are there any big events that you know that you will be going to? I know you’re cutting back on some of those because you got all of the value you needed out of them? Is there anything where we can run where we’re gonna run into you?
Elena Elwart
I actually have my group class come to the ASPCA walk the 3k walk that they have. I use that as a really big distraction. There’s hundreds if not thousands of dogs that come to those walks and then There’s also the service dog group in Sarasota. Okay. And yeah, dogs Yes. Then they also put a walk on Okay, that I do as a group class as well. So you could if there’s a dog Walk of some sort, you can most likely find me there with a group of people.
Brett Bittner
Alright Elena, we’re at the end. Where can people find out more about sit means sit here in St. Pete. websites, social media, phone number, whatever you want to give where people can connect with you?
Elena Elwart
Sure. I have all of it. My website is StPetersburg.sitmeanssit.com. And on Facebook, I’m sit means sit dog training St. Petersburg. You can also call me at 727-537-9721
Brett Bittner
Anything beyond Facebook, social media wise?
Elena Elwart
I am on a What is it? What’s the new one?
Brett Bittner
Which one? TikTok? Are you talking about Instagram? Snapchat?
Elena Elwart
Instagram. Yes.
Brett Bittner
Elena Elwart
I’m not very tech savvy. Okay. I’m on Instagram. Yeah. I don’t know if everything posts the way it’s supposed to. Yeah, but I am on there as well under Sit Means Sit St. Petersburg.
Brett Bittner
Elena, it was fabulous talking with you. It was great meeting Junior. He did a great job here. We’ve had plenty of distractions as we recorded outside in Abercrombie Park. Thanks so much for coming on.
Elena Elwart
Thank you so much for having me.