Hustleburg BONUS Episode with Nine Dots Media’s Geoffrey Klein

Watch  the Interview with Nine Dots Media’s Geoffrey Klein

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“Connect With an Audience and Engage With Your Message”

When people are given data, only two parts of their brain engage. When they are told a story however, their brains light up, activating every part that would be engaged if they were experiencing a story themselves. This makes story-telling the best way to connect with your community and engage with your business’ message.

“People Don’t Care About What You Do… They Only Care About What You Can Do For Them”

If your story doesn’t tell others how you can help them, you’ve lost. You won’t be able to connect with them on a level deeper than the usual superficial interaction that most people have with a company or business. There’s no chance to find or make a rabid fan if all your connections are shallow and superficial. Do you know anyone who gets passionate about their cell phone provider?

Tell More Stories

Connect the dots with Geoffrey and his team at Nine Dots Media:

Nine Dots Media Website
Geoffrey’s TEDx Talk

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Hustleburg BONUS Episode with Cathedral Capital’s Brooke Lively

Watch  the Interview with Cathedral Capital’s Brooke Lively

See all of the Hustleburg episodes here.

Listen to the Audio-Only Version with Cathedral Capital’s Brooke Lively

“Most Entrepreneurs Don’t Know Their Numbers, and They’re Scared of Them”

Are you unsure whether you’ll make the next round of payroll in your business? Next month’s rent on your store? These are crippling fears held by a lot of small business owners, and if you’re one of them, Brooke Lively is here to help. She is a profitability expert with Cathedral Capital, helping small business owners not only know their numbers, but own them on their way to financial success.

“There Are So Many People Who Are Suffering in Silence”

Don’t be among them. Whether you’re just getting to know the six key numbers necessary for your business to grow, scale, and thrive, or just wanting to make sure your passion doesn’t get snuffed out by those critical figures, make sure you understand all they mean for your business and its future.

Go From Panic to Profit

Connect with Brooke and her team at Cathedral Capital:

Cathedral Capital Website
Brooke Lively Website
Brooke on LinkedIn

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Hustleburg #62 – Wendy Wesley Nutrition

Watch the Interview with Wendy Wesley Nutrition’s Wendy Wesley

See all of the Hustleburg episodes here.

Listen to the Audio-Only Version with Wendy Wesley Nutrition’s Wendy Wesley

“Food Matters to Our Health”

Whether you’re looking to reduce your reliance on medication, manage a chronic disease like diabetes, or lose weight, Wendy Wesley is the dietitian to help you achieve your goals. Whether you need counseling, action or meal plans, shopping lists, or a grocery store tour, Wendy helps people like you FEEL better by guiding you toward healthy, nutrient-dense food.

Wendy Wesley Nutrition on Hustleburg

“Nutrition is My Social Work”

Wendy advises and teaches about how food makes lives much better, when you’re able to live it fully without the challenges of a poor diet. She is also an activist, working to ensure those most vulnerable to food insecurity have access to high quality, nutritious food no matter their income level or location.

Improve Your Health Through Your Diet

Connect with Wendy Wesley Nutrition:
Wendy on LinkedIn

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Hustleburg #61 – Growing Your Team

Watch the Interview with Growing Your Team’s Jamie Van Cuyk

See all of the Hustleburg episodes here.

Listen to the Audio-Only Version with Growing Your Team’s Jamie Van Cuyk

“Solely Focused on Getting the Right People on Your Team”

When you’re a solopreneur making the first few hires, it can be a daunting task to get the right people on your team. Jamie Van Cuyk understands that, and she built Growing Your Team to help small business owners build the foundation of a successful business by hiring the right people at the right time.

Growing Your Team’s Jamie Van Cuyk

“Find the Exact Person You Need”

When you’re hiring in the corporate world, you have a team of people that help by writing job postings, screen potential candidates, and provide another set of eyes and ears in subsequent interviews. When you’re adding your first few team members, it feels like you’re all alone in that process and overwhelmed. That’s where Jamie can help.

Simplify the Process of Hiring and Managing the Right Teams

Connect with Growing Your Team:
Jamie on LinkedIn
Growing Your Team Podcast

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Hustleburg #60 – Steel and Stone’s Sterling Lovelady

Watch This Interview with Steel And Stone Mobile Axe Throwing’s Sterling Lovelady

Listen to the Audio-Only Version of this Conversation

It Grew Out of Necessity

With a pending event at church and a bunch of guys ready for fellowship, Sterling and Allison Lovelady built Steel and Stone Mobile Axe Throwing after a chance encounter in Daytona Beach. Despite both having full-time jobs, Sterling, an attorney, and Allison, in property management, they’re flexing their entrepreneurial muscle with this venture.

Steel and Stone’s Sterling and Allison Lovelady

Bring More Customers In

While available for private events like birthday and bachelor parties, local businesses can book axe throwing on-site for their patrons, in hopes of bringing more in due to the special event happening at their locale. You can also find Steel and Stone at several festivals and events around Tampa Bay, as they let the axes fly on a “per throw” basis.

Put Their Axes on the Line for Your Entertainment

Connect with Steel and Stone Mobile Axe Throwing:

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Hustleburg #59 – Meet Me Locally’s Jacklyn Crisanti

Watch the Interview with Meet Me Locally’s Jacklyn Crisanti Here:

See all of the Hustleburg interviews here.

Listen to the Audio-Only Version with Jacklyn Crisanti Here:

“My Number One Rule is Nobody Sits Alone”

It’ll get personal with Jacklyn Crisanti when you attend one of her events, whether it’s business networking with Meet Me Locally, or the dating and Latin events she creates. She wants to get to know you, so that she can tailor your experience to suit what you’re looking to get out of it.

Meet Me Locally’s Jacklyn Crisanti

“It Doesn’t Matter if You’re the CEO or Just Starting Out, You Fit In”

Meeting Jacklyn is just the start of your Meet Me Locally networking experience, as she will plug you into the network where you get the most value from attending. Because of her nervousness at other events, she seeks to create a different experience that really makes any attendee feel welcome and valuable.

Business Networking with Meet Me Locally

Connect to network for your business:

Meet Me Locally Facebook Group

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If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

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Hustleburg #58 – St. Pete Salt Works’ Mark Anderson

Watch the St. Pete Salt Works Interview Here

Subscribe to see all of the Hustleburg episodes here.

Listen to the Audio-Only Version with Mark Anderson Here

“We All Need an Adult Time Out”

Whether you’re stressed, in pain, having trouble sleeping, or just need to let go for an hour, floatation therapy may work to help you relax, be creative, or relieve your pain. Mark Anderson found that floating helped him after hearing about it on the Joe Rogan podcast, and he took what was a note on his Blackberry and created St. Pete’s first float center, St. Pete Salt Works.

What Can a Thousand Pounds of Medical Grade Epsom Salt and Ten Inches of Water Do For You?

Mark took his idea and made it a reality, bringing St. Pete a dedicated float center with three float rooms, but more importantly a place to escape for an hour.

Float on Through It

Connect with St. Pete Salt Works:

(727) 641-4427

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If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

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Hustleburg #57 – ShapeShifter Fish and Friends’ Maria Aller and Andrew Hill

Watch the ShapeShifter Fish and Friends Episode Here

Subscribe to see all of the Hustleburg episodes here.

Listen to the Audio-Only Version with Maria and Andrew Here

“Friends Come in All Shapes and Sizes”

Starting with the Trout as their first design, lovers of the outdoors and former athletes Maria Aller and Andrew Hill were inspired to start shifting shapes to create new animals for sportswear apparel. With a ten-year-old who also loves the outdoors, they created apparel with him in mind, as their first entry into apparel focused on the youth market with activewear long sleeve shirts with UPF50+ sun protection and antimicrobial technology to prevent bacteria growth.

We’ve Gotten a Lot of Inspiration from Our Customers

Like many business owners, they found so much value in listening to the community they serve. Not only has this inspired new designs, it has also led Maria and Andrew to offer adult sizes as well, expanding to provide their colorful fish and friends to everyone.

Make a New Friend

Connect with ShapeShifter Fish and Friends:

(727) 873-7581

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If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

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Hustleburg #56 – Hage Fence Repair’s Nikki Hage

Watch Nikki Hage’s Interview here

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Listen to the audio-only interview with Nikki Hage here

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“We Put Quality Over Sales Everyday”

In the competitive home services industry, differentiating your business from another can be difficult. Nikki Hage with Hage Fence Repair sets out to make sure that quality is what they’re known for. Rather than sub-contracting out some of their work, they ensure that the best players on their team provide the work for their customers, specific to the job.

“We’re Not Allowed to Say the ‘F’ Word”

In a family business, it can be difficult to separate work life and family time, and one thing she and her husband Darryl make sure of is that they don’t say the “F” word when it’s family time, so you probably won’t hear them say “fence.”

Nikki and Darryl Hage of Hage Fence Repair

Fix Or Build Your Fence with Hage Fence Repair


Learn more about Birthday Candles for Kids, the charity mentioned in the episode, started by Chelsea and Kayla Hage. This 501c3 organization serves the community by who throwing birthday parties for homeless & less fortunate children in Pinellas County.

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If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

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Hustleburg BONUS Episode – Casey Stubbs: Trader, Trainer, Educator

From Broke Dad to Seven-Figure Trading Business

Watch the interview here:

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Listen to the interview here:

When the economic meltdown in 2008 collapsed around Casey Stubbs, he was not able to find a job in the construction industry after getting laid off. Faced with a future that was uncertain at best and bleak at worst, he took the initiative to turn things around. He started trading stocks while on unemployment, documenting the process of what he learned along the way.

He used this hands-on education and experience to build a community around his success, training and educating others with what he learned as he went.

“Make Something Happen With What You Have”

Before boot-strapping was really as widely known as it is today, Casey’s journey started with a mid-level laptop and the time to learn. When money isn’t plentiful, you need to take an inventory of what you do have and make the most of it. By the time his unemployment benefits ran out, he didn’t need to find a job because he started his new career, helping others join him on the path to financial success.

Trade Like Casey Stubbs

Connect with Casey:

Trading Strategy Guides on YouTube
Trading Strategy Guides on Facebook
Finance and Markets Newsletter
How to Trade It Podcast

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If you enjoyed what you heard in this episode, please take a moment to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast on your favorite player. Each episode is available on its own post, with the entire catalog here. It’s available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, or your favorite podcast catcher. We listen to this show and our favorites on Castbox. It’s hosted by Podbean. We appreciate your attention, and we can’t wait to have you back for the next episode. 

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